South Park: Snow Day! is an action-adventure game set in the animated world of the beloved South Park franchise. This fourth game in the SP video games series – a sequel to The Stick of Truth, The Fractured but Who …
South Park: Snow Day! is an action-adventure game set in the animated world of the beloved South Park franchise. This fourth game in the SP video games series – a sequel to The Stick of Truth, The Fractured but Whole, and Phone Destroyer – was developed by Question and published by THQ Nordic in association with South Park Digital Studios in March of 2024.
Once again become the New Kid – a protagonist known from the previous South Park video games – and join both well-known and brand-new inhabitants of the town in a crazy adventure full of twists and turns, taking place during a gigantic snowfall. Massive blizzard? More like massive fun – the school is closed, so it’s time to rock South Park with Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny once again!
South Park: Snow Day! is an action-adventure video game with RPG elements and it’s no surprise it’s filled with crazy humour to the brim! This long-awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed The Stick of Truth and The Fractured but Whole can be played in both single- and multiplayer modes. Players can join the co-op with up to three friends, use the matchmaking feature, or play the game solo with ally bots.
South Park: Snow Day!’s gameplay is heavily focused on amazing combat sequences. Get to know the newest chapter of your favourite franchise’s story and save the town of South Park from eternal winter by battling your way through the snow-covered neighbourhoods, now in 3D! It’s no secret that teamwork makes the dream work, so cooperate with your friends or bots to combine dodging, using your special powers, and performing deadly attacks, and win every fight against your enemies!
Being the New Kid is never easy, so gain respect among your peers and enemies with iconic cosmetics and customisable outfits. Develop your fighting skills, equip and upgrade your weapons – both melee and ranged – and use special abilities to win every duel against regular enemies and dangerous bosses alike. Complete all five challenging missions to prove yourself to be just the hero the snowy town of South Park needs!
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